Barbados 'Perfect Weather' Guarantee: "Barbados is one of a handful of Caribbean destinations where you actually have a good variety of rainy-day activities to choose from, but if your concept of a Caribbean vacation includes mandatory sunshine, here's a deal you'll like: the Barbados Perfect Weather Guarantee will pay you $100 for every day of your trip where the average temperature falls below 78 degrees Fahrenheit and the island gets more than a quarter-inch of rain. A special website has been set up so travelers can automatically apply for and receive their rebates."
Press Release : " Barbados has introduced a September Special package for the entire month of September providing travelers with an air credit of $300 dollars per person. The Best of Barbados September Special, which is currently one of the most compelling offers to the Caribbean, can be booked up until September 10. It provides an excellent opportunity for travelers who are seeking excellent value for their money."