Toronto Sun : "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, but I'm not talking snow. I'm thinking of white sandy beaches with warm tropical breezes. Santa can deliver presents to my hotel room, thanks very much. And instead of the usual eggnog, I'd be happy to leave a strawberry daiquiri for the big fella -- no alcohol, of course, cuz he's driving. And when he's done his world tour, he can come back, take the beach chair next to mine and we'll relax until New Year's. Peace on Earth. The Caribbean is one of the world's finest playgrounds with some of the best beaches anywhere. Virtually every island in the region can claim an ideal swath of sand set against clear, turquoise water. Can't you just smell that fragrant sea air? The real challenge is to find the one that suits you best. Here are a bunch of options -- some you probably know (and love), others just may be the inspiration you need to book a flight this winter."