The Observer: "........The small Caribbean island of Dominica is full of such surreal experiences. It is a place defined by its natural extremes. Here you will find lakes filled with boiling water and rocky valleys punctuated by the eruption of mini-geysers. There are geothermic rock pools that belch forth sulphurous fumes in the heart of the rainforest. Black sand beaches lie smudged along the coastline in long charcoal sweeps and there are sheer cliffs, steep hills and giant waterfalls. Everywhere there is a verdant lushness, a windblown beauty that lies almost untouched, as if standing at the very edge of time. Because, while Dominica might possess many astonishing attractions, it lacks the one thing you might expect - tourists."
Antigua Sun : "Following two days of meetings in St. John’s between the shareholder governments of LIAT and Sir Allen Stanford, sole shareholder of Caribbean Star Airlines, a communiqué was put out covering the major agenda items discussed."