Gonomad : "When you visit a place for the first time, the impressions you first get are crucial. If you arrive late at night, you miss out on one of the biggest sensations -- sight.
And if you've ever gone to an island in the Caribbean at night, you know exactly what it's like. You're hovering over the landing zone, seeing only black and scattered dots of light, and suddenly WHAM! You’re on the ground. The wheels screech to a halt and before you have a chance to assess the situation, you are safely on round in a Caribbean island."
And if you've ever gone to an island in the Caribbean at night, you know exactly what it's like. You're hovering over the landing zone, seeing only black and scattered dots of light, and suddenly WHAM! You’re on the ground. The wheels screech to a halt and before you have a chance to assess the situation, you are safely on round in a Caribbean island."