Philadelphia Inquirer : "TORTOLA, British Virgin Islands - British? Here? Not a bloody jot and barely a tittle. Oh, you have the Pusser's Road Town Pub, purveying the rum that fueled the British navy long ago. And there's the Best of British Shop for tins of pudding and wee biscuits. But otherwise, Tortola is very Caribbean, from the calypso patois of longtime residents to the brilliant blue of the water that surrounds it. The British Virgins are much like the U.S. Virgins, but slightly more virginal. Yet the style is untucked and breezy, rather than stiff upper lip."
Press Release : " Barbados has introduced a September Special package for the entire month of September providing travelers with an air credit of $300 dollars per person. The Best of Barbados September Special, which is currently one of the most compelling offers to the Caribbean, can be booked up until September 10. It provides an excellent opportunity for travelers who are seeking excellent value for their money."